A Millage that Matters

Protecting Our Community. Supporting Every Neighborhood.

Know the facts

The millage renewal is a continuation of an existing property tax that funds critical public safety, rehabilitation, and transparency programs.
No New Taxes
Important: This renewal does not increase property taxes.

Our Sheriff’s Office at Work - Ensuring Safe and Strong Communities

The Safe and Strong Communities Millage Renewal supports the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office and its vital role in maintaining public safety. The millage ensures that OPSO can effectively manage the custody and care of people accused of the most violent crimes, and facility upkeep, respond to major emergencies, and provide rehabilitation resources for inmates to be able to return to society as productive citizens, in addition to offering various programs that support our community.

Continued millage funding ensures these efforts continue without interruption.


These funds Provide $13.9 million annually to maintain essential services and functions of the Sheriff's office, accounting for over 20% of the fiscal budget.

Public Safety
  • Funds Sheriff’s Office operations and staffing.
  • Provides tools & resources for managing the custody of inmates.
  • Rehabilitation programs, vocational training, and resources that support successful re-entry and reduce repeat offenses.
Transparency & Accountability
  • Eliminating debt to strengthen OPSO’s financial position, enabling increased funding for critical areas.
  • Provides public access to pertinent inmate information to keep families and advocates informed.
Mental Health Crisis Intervention
  • Programs that reduce risks, improve safety, and provide critical support for individuals in crisis help prevent future incidents and ensure safer outcomes for both detainees and the community.
  • *Impact data 2024: Over 5,000 detainees received needed psychiatric care and medication.
Staffing and Proficiency
  • Supports ongoing recruiting efforts to achieve optimal staffing levels.
  • Reduced strain on existing personnel.
  • A modernized, safer, more controlled facility.

what happens if the renewal isn’t approved?

Staffing Cuts & Safety Risks

Without funding, OPSO won’t be able to meet needed staffing levels and potentially leading to staffing reductions.

The Millage Renewal is Critical to Public Safety

If the millage is not renewed, the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office will face severe funding shortages, threatening safety, security, and basic operations.
Increased safety risks for the community, deputies, and those in custody.
More violence and deteriorating conditions in the jail.
A stop to needed facility repairs, leading to higher long-term costs.
Increased burden on the city’s budget and taxpayers.
Fewer resources for mental health crisis intervention, increasing the risk of repeat offenses among detainees.
Reduced funding of transparency initiatives and technology upgrades across OPSO.
Fewer resources for needed re-entry programs.
Reduced safety initiatives.

Serving the Entire Community

While managing jail operations is a vital responsibility, the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office plays a much larger role in public safety and community well-being. From disaster response to educational programs, the Sheriff’s Office serves every corner of our community.

No New Taxes


Community Engagement Sessions
Franklin Avenue Baptist Church
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
6 p.m
Election Date
Saturday, May 3, 2025.
Early Voting
April 19–26, 2025
(excluding April 20).
On the Ballot
Proposition No. 1

Shall the Sheriff of Orleans Parish, as the governing authority of the Law Enforcement District of the Parish of Orleans, State of Louisiana (the “District”), continue to levy a tax of not exceeding 2.46 mills on all property subject to taxation in the District (an estimated $13,918,089 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year), for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2026 and ending with the year 2035, for the purpose of providing additional funding for the operation, maintenance and upkeep of jails and related facilities, the District and the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office, with said millage levied each year to be reduced by the millage rate levied that year for the District’s currently outstanding General Obligation Bonds?

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